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生物信息学中心 科学家



常玉晓,研究员,博士生导师。中国农科院“青年英才(A类)”,深圳市“海外高层次人才(C类)”。2001年毕业于河南农业大学园艺系;2009年毕业于华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室,获理学博士学位。2010年5月-2015年1月先后在美国美国维斯塔研究所(The Wistar Institute)和杰克逊基因组医学实验室(The Jackson Laboratory for Genomics Medicine)从事新一代测序技术的开发和应用研究。2015年2月加入中国农科院深圳农业基因组研究所,继续从事新一代测序技术的开发及植物功能基因组学研究。研究方向是基于NGS,开发为植物功能基因组学和育种研究服务的新方法,主要包括:第一,DNA大片段文库(Mate pair library)的制备;第二,全基因组分子标记的新方法;第三,这些新技术在复杂植物基因组中的应用,尤其是玉米抗病基因定位与克隆中的应用。



2010年5月-2012年9月,博士后,美国维斯塔研究所(The Wistar Institute)

2012年10月-2015年1月,博士后,美国杰克逊基因组医学实验室(The Jackson Laboratory for Genomics Medicine)










1. Ce Deng, Huimin Li, Zhimin Li, Zhiqiang Tian, Jiafa Chen, Gengshen Chen, Xuecai Zhang, Junqiang Ding*, Yuxiao Chang*, New QTL for resistance to Puccinia polysora Underw in maize, Journal of Applied Genetics, 2019, doi:10.1007/s13353-019-00488-w.

2. Zhiyong Li, Yifeng Wang, Babatunde Kazeem Bello, Abolore Adijat Ajadi, Xiaohong Tong, Yuxiao Chang*, Jian Zhang*, Construction of a Quantitative Acetylomic Tissue Atlas in Rice ( Oryza sativa L.), Molecules, 2018, 23(11): 2843-2859

3. Changsong Zou, Leiting Li, Daisuke Miki, Deli Li, Qiming Tang, Lihong Xiao, Santosh Rajput, Ping Deng, Li Peng, Wei Jia, Ru Huang, Meiling Zhang, Yidan Sun, Jiamin Hu, Xing Fu, Patrick S. Schnable, Yuxiao Chang, Feng Li, Hui Zhang, Baili Feng, Xinguang Zhu, Renyi Liu, James C. Schnable, Jiankang Zhu*, Heng Zhang*, The genome of broomcorn millet, Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1): 436-446

4. Yuxiao Chang, Liang Gong, Wenya Yuan, Xingwang Li, Guoxing Chen, Xianghua Li, Qifa Zhang, Changyin Wu*, Replication protein A (RPA1a) is required for meiotic and somatic DNA repair but is dispensable for DNA replication and homologous recombination in rice, Plant Physiology, 2009, 151(4): 2162-2173

5. Yuxiao Chang, Tuan Long, Changyin Wu*, Effort and contribution of T-DNA Insertion mutant library for rice functional genomics research in China: review and perspective, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2012, 54(12): 953-966

6. Yifeng Wang, Haiyan Lin, Xiaohong Tong, Yuxuan Hou, Yuxiao Chang, Jian Zhang*, DNA demethylation activates genes in seed maternal integument development in rice ( Oryza sativa L.), Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017, 120: 169-178

7. Xingwang Li, Yuxiao Chang, Xiaodong Xin, Chunmei Zhu, Xianghua Li, James D Higgins, Changyin Wu*, Replication protein A2c coupled with replication protein A1c regulates crossover formation during meiosis in rice, Plant Cell, 2013, 25(10): 3885-3899

8. Yanjun Kou, Yuxiao Chang, Xianghua Li, Jinghua Xiao, Shiping Wang*, The rice RAD51C gene is required for the meiosis of both female and male gametocytes and the DNA repair of somatic cells, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63(14): 5323-5335



