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  林强 副研究员


  深圳市大鹏新区鹏飞路7号 邮编:518124





  2006.09 - 2011.07     中国科学院北京基因组研究所   获博士学位

  2002.09 - 2006.07     吉林大学生命科学学院   获学士学位



  2019.01至今  中国农业科学研究院农业基因组研究所组学技术中心   副研究员    

  2014.01 – 2019.01   中国科学院北京基因组研究所   副研究员  

  2011.07 – 2014.01         中国科学院院北京基因组研究所   助理研究员

  2010.04 – 2016.06   沙特阿卜杜勒阿齐兹国王科技城   研究科学家 





  1. Cui Peng*, Qiang Lin*, Fang D*… Songnian Hu#, Shiyou Lv#. Tung tree (Vernicia fordii, Hemsl.) genome and transcriptome sequencing reveals coordinate upregulation of fatty acid beta-oxidation and triacylglycerol biosynthesis pathways during eleostearic acid accumulation in seeds. Plant and Cell Physiology.2018

  2. Wanfei Liu*, Shuangyang Wu*, Qiang Lin*, Shenghan Gao, Xiaowei Zhang, Hasan Awad Aljohi, Jun Yu#, Songnian Hu#. RGAAT - Reference based genome assembly and annotation tool for new genome and known genome upgrade. Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics.2019

  3. Wu Shuangyang , Liu Wanfei , Aljohi Hasan Awad , Alromaih Sarah A. , Alanazi Ibrahim O. , Lin Qiang# , Yu Jun#, and Hu Songnian#. REDO: RNA Editing Detection in Plant Organelles Based on Variant Calling Results. Journal of Computational Biology. 2018. May;25(5)

  4. Hasan Awad Aljohi*, Wanfei Liu*, Qiang Lin*, Jun Yu# and Songnian Hu#. ISVASE: identification of sequence variant associated with splicing event using RNA- seq data. BMC Bioinformatics.2017 18:320

  5. Hasan Awad Aljohi*, Wanfei Liu*, Qiang Lin*...Songnian Hu#, Jun Yu#. Complete Sequence and Comparative Analysis of the Mitochondrial Genome of Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera). PLoS One. 2016.11 (10)

  6. Xin Chengqi*, Liu Wanfei*, Lin Qiang*...Yu Jun. Profiling microRNA expression during multi-staged date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruit development. Genomics. 2015 Apr;105(4):242-51

  7. Wei Xu*, Chengqi Xin*, Qiang Lin*, …, Songnian Hu. Adolescent Mouse Takes on An Active Transcriptomic Expression During Postnatal Cerebral Development. Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics 12(2014) 111-119

  8. Ibrahim S. Al-Mssallem*, Songnian Hu*, Xiaowei Zhang*, Qiang Lin*, Wanfei Liu*, Jun Tan*,… , Jun Yu. Genome Sequences and Genetic Variations of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.). Nature Communication. 08/2013; 4:2274

  9. Qiang Lin*, Peng Cui*, Feng Ding, Songnian Hu, Jun Yu. Replication-Associated Mutational Pressure (RMP) Governs Strand-Biased Compositional Asymmetry (SCA) and Gene Organization in Animal Mitochondrial Genomes. Current Genomics. 03/2012; 13(1):28-36.

    10. Peng Cui*, Qiang Lin*, Feng Ding*, Songnian Hu, Jun Yu. The transcript-centric mutations in human genomes. Genomics, proteomics & bioinformatics. 02/2012; 10(1):11-22.

  11 Peng Cui*, Feng Ding*, Qiang Lin*, Lingfang Zhang, Ang Li, Zhang Zhang, Songnian Hu, Jun Yu. Distinct contributions of replication and transcription to mutation rate variation of human genomes. Genomics, proteomics & bioinformatics. 02/2012; 10(1):4-10.

  12. Peng Cui*, Qiang Lin*, …, Jun Yu. The disequilibrium of nucleosomes distribution along chromosomes plays a functional and evolutionarily role in regulating gene expression. PloS One. 01/2011; 6(8):e23219

  13. Peng Cui*, Qiang Lin*, Feng Ding*, …, Jun Yu. A comparison between ribo-minus RNA-sequencing and polyA-selected RNA-sequencing. Genomics. 11/2010; 96(5):259-65.

  14. Peng Cui*, Qiang Lin*, Chengqi Xin*,…, Jun Yu. Hydroxyurea-induced global transcriptional suppression in mouse ES cells. Carcinogenesis. 09/2010; 31(9):1661-8.

  15. Peng Cui*, Lingfang Zhang*, Qiang Lin*, …, Jun Yu. A novel mechanism of epigenetic regulation: nucleosome-space occupancy. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 11/2009; 391(1):884-9


