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Research Center for AnimalGenomics


中心简介/ Introduction


  We are dedicated to solving the critical issues of livestock and poultry germplasm in China,including low production performance,poor disease resistance and feed shortage.Using high-throughput multi-Omics approach- es,gene editing technology and genome selection,our center will analyze the genetic basis underlying important economic traits of agricultural animals, explore and exploit Chinese local livestock resources,develop new breeding technologies,innovate the mode of feeding.and accelerate the innovation of livestock germplasm.We aim to innovate research methodologies and devel- opmental rationale to rapidly breed domestic pigs with high feed convertion ratio and disease resistance.and to benefit the healthy and sustainable development of animal husbandry industry.

  人员组成 / Personnel Structure


  The center consists of two innovation groups of CAAS and four labs. Among the 54 team members, one person awarded “National Thousand Talent Program”, three have received the National Key Project Fund from NSFC, one have received the National Leading Personnel in Shenzhen, and four have received the Overseas High-level Talents in Shenzhen. The team includes six doctoral advisors, six research professors, and nine post-doctoral, 21 graduate students.

创新团队 / Innovation groups of CAAS


  Pig genome design and breeding innovation team


  Animal Functional Genomics Innovation Team


  Animal Epigenomics Group (AEG)


  课题组 / Labs

  唐中林课题组 / Tang Zhonglin Lab

  左二伟课题组 / Zuo Erwei Lab

  Yuwen Liu课题组 / Liu Yuwen Lab

  易国强课题组 / Yi Guoqiang Lab

  Zhang Yubo 课题组 / Zhang Yubo Lab

  高  飞课题组 / Gao Fei Lab

  任务目标 / Objectives


  The Animal Genome Research Center will use multi-omics techniques, genome selection and genome editing to elucidate the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms underlying the development of important organs and economic traits in pigs and other animals; Develop genetic improvement and carry out new material creation and breed improvement in pigs and other livestock animals; Study the epigenetic effects of environmental factors on animals; Solve the key problems of genetic breeding in the sustainable development of pig industry, and provide animal models for human medical research. In addition, the Center will develop DNA tracing technology to ensure the quality and safety of food of animal originin the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.

研究方向 / Research Areas


        Integrate multi-omics methods to understand the genetic basis of economic traits of pigs and other livestock animals and identify important candidate genes and molecular marks for genetic breeding;


        Develop genomic selection and genome editing technologies, carry out breed innovation and genetic improvement in pigs, and create disease model pigs for medical research;


          Construct three-dimensional transcriptional regulatory networks of vertebrates, screen for and verify transcriptional regulatory elements on a large scale, and elucidate the functions of key genes and non-coding RNAs;


         Construct model systems for piglet nutrition, microbial and epigenomics research; analyze the epigenetic effects of environmental factors such as flora and nutrients on animal development and disease;


        Develop technology systems, such as DNA tracing to ensure animal-derived food safety.

研究成果 / Research Results

良猪计划 / A+ Pig Program (APP)


  China is the world's largest pig farming and pork consumer. The “A+ Pig Program” is mainly aimed at the two major industrial issues of excellent breeding pig breeding and pork product safety. With the core of Omics technology, it focuses on the two goals of “great breeding pigs and safety pork” to achieve the localization of fine breeding pigs and the precision of pigs and products Tracing to the source provides a guarantee for the sustainable development of pig farming and pork food safety in China. Through the implementation of the project, major breakthroughs will be made in the theory of the important economic trait formation mechanism of pigs. Established two major technical systems for whole genome selection and genome editing to achieve precise traceability for each pig and product.





采用比较发育遗传学方法揭示了中国地方猪和西方瘦肉型猪在产肉性状及骨骼肌生长发育中的差异分子调控机制,结合全基因组变异分析,鉴定得到多个调控猪产肉性状的关键编码基因和非编码基因,为猪的分子设计育种提供了重要理论依据。相关成果发表在《公共科学图书馆:遗传学(PLoS Genetics)》。发明专利“与猪免疫性状相关的蛋白及其编码基因和应用”获得第二十二届中国发明专利优秀奖。






猪基因组设计育种创新团队首次创建了“一管式”快速检测猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRSV)的荧光检测技术,可以在25分钟内精准检测出PRRSV.高灵敏性荧光检测技术基于CRISPR-Cas12a,具有简便、精准、快速、低成本等优点,可用于PRRSV等各种相关病毒的快速检测。相关成果发表在《ACS合成生物学(ACS Synthetic Biology)》杂志上,并被选为同期封面文章。



该方法能挖掘unmapped RNA-seq数据中的有效信息,并调取其全长,可挖掘在RNA-Seq分析中通常被忽略的有效的unmapped reads信息,并且结合特异性反转录引物及二代测序调取其全长序列,为鉴定未知RNA提供一种新的策略,提高了RNA-Seq数据的利用效率。




