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Li Suhua Lab


李素华,研究员,博士生导师。2017年于清华大学获得博士学位,2017-2020年在德国马克斯·普朗克化学生态所进行博士后研究。长期从事植物激素信号传导和次生代谢调控研究。共发表SCI收录论文10余篇。以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)在Nature、Molecular Plant、PLoS Biology、Plant Physiology、Plant Journal等国际高水平杂志共发表论文7篇。获得过德国洪堡基金项目资助,获得多项国家和省市级科研项目资助。联系方式 (本实验室长期招聘多组学生物信息分析、植物抗虫机制方向博士后)。



  2020.6 - 至今       中国农科院深圳农业基因组研究所      研究员

  2017.4 - 2020.06     德国马普化学生态所                      博士后



  2010.9 - 2017.1      清华大学          博士

  2006.9 - 2010.9      中国农业大学   学士









Suhua Li, Principle Investigator. She received her Ph.D. degree in Biology from Tsinghua University in 2017. She subsequently worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Germany. She mainly focuses on exploring the function and the molecular mechanism of the transduction of plant hormones, as well as the regulatory mechanism of plant hormones on secondary metabolites. As the first author or co-author, she has published more than 10 papers in research journals such as Nature, Molecular Plant, PLoS Biology, Plant Physiology. She was awarded as an alumni member of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Email address:

Working Experience

2020.6 – present     Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen - CAAS         Principal Investigator

2017.4 - 2020.6     Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology                          Postdoctor



2010.9 - 2017.1      Tsinghua University                                                                 PhD

2006.9 – 2010.7      China Agricultural University                                                 Bachelor       


Research Interest

Plants and insects are important components of terrestrial ecosystems. By taking advantage of genomics, metabolomics with genetic methods, our group focuses on the interaction of plant with insects, such as the defense mechanism of potatoes and tobacco, the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, identify more resistance genes and metabolites, to provide more genetic resources to potato breeding.  


Major Achievements

The group leader has worked on plant hormones and insect resistance for a long time. We focused on two kinds of plant hormones, jasmonates and strigolactones, to reveal the molecular mechanisms of their signal transduction, and to investigate their regulatory functions on plant secondary metabolites. Together with collaborators, we revealed the perception mechanism of strigolactones with the receptors and the structure-activity relationships of strigolactones. We further investigated the ecological and physiological functions of strigolactones, such as regulating herbivore defense via manipulating defensive metabolites. In addition, we designed a serious of highly active jasmonate- and strigolactone-analogs, which are with potential possibility of agricultural applications.


Selected Publication

 *Co-first author, #Corresponding author

1. Zhu, J., Chen, R., Liu, J., Lin, W., Liang, J., Nauen, R., Li, S.*, Gao, Y.*. Presence of multiple genetic mutations related to insecticide resistance in Chinese field samples of two Phthorimaea pest species. Insects. 2024, 15(3): 194.

2. Kang, Z., Yan, Y., Lu, R., Dong, X., Xu, J., Zheng, D., Li, S.*, Gao, Q.*, Liu, S.*. Synthesis and biological profiling of novel strigolactone derivatives for Arabidopsis growth and development. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023,71 (34): 12859-12874.

3. Li, S., Baldwin, G., Yang, C., Lu, R., Meng, S., Huang, J., Wang, M., Baldwin, IT. Field‐work reveals a novel function for MAX2 in a native tobacco's high‐light adaptions. Plant Cell and Environment, 2023, 47(1): 230-245.

4. Ye, Z., Lu, R., Li, C., Yang, D., Zeng, Z., Lin, W., Cheng, J., Yang, Z., Li, W., Gao, Y., Huang, S., Zhang, X.*, Li, S.*. Haplotype-resolved and chromosome-level genome assembly of Colorado potato beetle. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2023, 50(7): 532-535.

5. Li, Y., Li, S., Du, R., Wang, J., Li, H., Xie, D., Yan, J. Isoleucine enhances plant resistance against Botrytis cinerea via jasmonate signaling pathway. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 628328. (co-first and co-corresponding author)

6. Li, S., Li, Y., Chen, L., Zhang, C., Wang, F., Li, H., Wang, M., Wang, Y., Nan, F., Xie, D., Yan, J. Strigolactone mimic 2-nitrodebran one is highly active in Arabidopsis growth and development. The Plant Journal, 2021, 107(1): 67-76. 

7. Li, S., Joo, Y., Cao, D., Li, R., Lee, G., Halitschke, R., Baldwin, G., Baldwin, IT., Wang, M. Strigolactone signaling regulates specialized metabolism in tobacco stems and interactions with stem-feeding herbivores. PLoS Biology, 2020, 18 (8): e3000830. 

8. Yan, J., Li, S., Gu, M., Yao, R., Li, Y., Chen, J., Yang, M., Tong, J., Xiao, L., Nan, F.*, Xie, D.*. Endogenous bioactive jasmonate is composed of a set of (+)-7-iso-JA-amino acid conjugates. Plant Physiology, 2016, 172 (4): 2154-2164. (co-first author)

9. Li, S., Chen, L., Li, Y., Yao, R., Wang, F., Yang, M., Gu, M., Nan, F., Xie, D., Yan, J. Effect of GR24 stereoisomers on plant development in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 2016, 9 (10): 1432-1435.

10. Yao, R., Ming, Z., Yan, L., Li, S., Wang, F., Ma, S., Yu, C., Yang, M., Li, C., Chen, L., Li, Y., Yan, C., Miao, D., Sun, Z., Yan, J., Sun, Y., Wang, L., Chu, J., Fan, S., He, W., Deng, H., Nan, F., Li, J., Rao, Z., Lou, Z.& Xie, D. DWARF14 is a non-canonical hormone receptor for strigolactone. Nature, 2016, 536 (7617): 469-73. (co-first author)
