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Yongfeng Zhou Lab




2014年博士毕业于芬兰奥卢大学(University of Oulu),2014-2020年期间先后在奥卢大学与美国加州大学(University of California)从事博士后研究。主要从事作物群体基因组学与遗传育种工作,开展了葡萄、水稻等作物的驯化群体基因组学研究,发掘了重要农艺性状相关的候选基因,揭示了作物的驯化成本,以及重要农艺性状相关的适应性变异、有害变异与结构变异,为作物全基因组设计育种奠定了基础。到目前为止,共发表SCI论文30多篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Plants、PNAS、Molecular Biology and Evolution等杂志发表SCI论文19篇,并在PAG、SMBE、GBG等国际学术大会与国内外同行分享相关成果。SMBE、GSA、ISHS、ESEB等学会会员;Nature Plants,Nature Communications、MBE、Plos Genetics、Genome Biology、Genetics等期刊常年审稿人;欧盟科学研究基金(ERC)评委;Horticulture Research副主编,Journal of Integrative Agriculture、Agriculture Communications、Horticulturae、Frontiers of Plant Sciences、《果树学报》等期刊编委成员。



  2020.06-至今          中国农业科学院农业基因组研究所                   研究员

  2015.12-2020.06    加州大学尔湾(University of California, Irvine)博士后

  2014.12-2015.12, 奥卢大学 (University of Oulu)                           博士后














围绕作物群体基因组学与育种这一核心,揭示了葡萄、水稻等作物的“驯化成本”(Zhou et al. 2017 PNAS; Liu et al. 2017 MBE),在驯化瓶颈和搭载效应等因素作用下,作物基因组中保留了大量的有害变异,这些有害变异降低了(或者潜在降低)作物的适应性,因此成为作物分子育种的一个新方向(Gaut et al. 2018, Nature Plants)。这种有害变异包括点突变(SNP)、小的插入缺失(Indel)与结构变异(Structural variation, SV)。由于技术瓶颈等因素,早期的研究主要集中在SNP和Indel。我们首次在葡萄驯化中研究了结构变异的群体遗传学,首次揭示了大部分结构变异受到强烈的净化选择作用,以倒位受到的净化选择作用最强(Zhou et al. 2019 Nature Plants)。转座子(TE)作为植物基因组结构变异最主要的组成部分,我们在水稻和葡萄中,首次揭示了不同TE家族受到不同的净化选择作用,其中以SINE受到的净化选择作用最强(Kou et al. 2020 MBE)。结构变异影响了众多作物农艺性状相关的表型,包括葡萄的性别决定、种皮颜色和皮尔斯病抗性(Zhou et al. 2019 Nature Plants; Morales-Cruz et al. 2023 Communications Biology),以及水稻抗洪涝与脱粒等性状(Kou et al. 2020 MBE)。为进一步促进葡萄生物学和育种研究,我们发布了葡萄首个端粒到端粒(T2T)的完整参考基因组(Shi et al. 2023 Horticulture Research)。我们首次利用机器学习手段,结合溯祖模拟、正向模拟等群体遗传学方法揭示了葡萄风味的形成机制,并解析了驯化对葡萄基因组的影响(Xiao et al. 2023 PNAS)。



(*corresponding author 

1. Xiao H, Liu ZJ, Wang N, Long QM, Cao S, Huang GZ, Liu WW, Peng YL, Riaz S, Walker AW, Gaut BS, Zhou YF* (2023) Adaptive and maladaptive introgression in grapevine domestication. PNAS 120(24): e2222041120.

2. Huang HR, Liu X, Arshad R, Wang X, Li WM, Zhou YF*, Ge XJ* (2023) Telomere-to-telomere haplotype-resolved reference genome reveals subgenome divergence and disease resistance in triploid Cavendish banana. Horticulture Research uhad153.

3. Shi XY, Cao S, Wang X, Huang SY, Wang Y, Liu ZJ, Liu WW, Leng XP, Peng YL, Wang N, Wang YW, Ma ZY, Xu XD, Zhang F, Xue H, Zhong HX, Wang Y, Zhang KK, Velt A, Avia K, Holtgräwe D, Grimplet J, Matus JT, Ware D, Wu XY, Wang HB, Liu CH, Fang YL, Rustenholz C, Cheng ZM, Xiao H, Zhou YF* (2023) The complete reference genome for grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) genetics and breeding. Horticulture Research 10(05): uhad061.

4. Morales-Cruz A, Aguirre-Liguori J, Massonnet M, Minio A, Zaccheo M, Cochetel N, Walker A, Riaz S, Zhou YF*, Cantu D*, Gaut BS* (2023) Multigenic resistance to Xylella fastidiosa in wild grapes (Vitis sps.) and its implications within a changing climate. Communications Biology 6(1): 580.

5. Wang N, Cao ST, Liu ZJ, Xiao H, Hu JB, Xu XD, Chen P, Ma ZY, Ye JL, Chai LJ, Guo WW, Larkin RM, Xu Q, Morrell PL, Zhou YF*, Deng XX* (2023) Genomic conservation of crop wild relatives: A case study of citrus. PLoS genetics 19(6): e1010811.

6. Zhong HX, Liu ZJ, Zhang FC, Zhou XM, Sun XX, Li YY, Liu WW, Xiao H, Wang N, Lu H, Pan MQ, Wu XY, Zhou YF* (2022) Metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses reveal the effects of self-and hetero-grafting on anthocyanin biosynthesis in grapevine. Horticulture Research 9: uhac103.

7. Kou Y, Liao Y, Toivainen T, Lv Y, Tian X, Emerson JJ, Gaut BS*, Zhou YF* (2020) Evolutionary genomics of structural variation in Asian rice (Oryza sativa) domestication. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37:3507–3524.

8. Zhou YF*, Gaut BS* (2020) Large chromosomal variants drive adaptation in sunflowers. Nature Plants 6:734–735.

9. Zhou YF, Minio A, Solares E, Lyu Y, Cantu D*, Gaut BS* (2019) Population genetics of structural variation in grapevine domestication. Nature Plants, 5, 965–979.

10. Zhou YF, Muyle A, Gaut BS* (2019) Evolutionary Genomics and the Domestication of Grapes. The Grape Genome, Dario Cantu and M. Andrew Walker (Eds).

11.Gaut BS, Seymour D, Liu QP, Zhou YF* (2018) Demography and its effects on genomic variation in crop domestication. Nature Plants 4: 512–520.

12. Tian XM, Wang QY, Zhou YF* (2018) Euphorbia section Hainanensis (Euphorbiaceae), a new section endemic to the Hainan Island of China from biogeographical, karyological, and phenotypical evidence. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 660.

13. Zhou YF, Massonnet M, Sanjak J, Cantu D, Gaut BS* (2017) Evolutionary genomics of grape (Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera) domestication. PNAS 114: 11715-11720.

14. Liu QP, Zhou YF, Morrell P, Gaut BS* (2017) Deleterious variants in Asian rice and the potential cost of domestication. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34: 908-924.

15. Zhou YF, Duvaux L, Ren G, Zhang LR, Savolainen O, Liu J* (2017) Importance of incomplete lineage sorting and introgression in the origin of shared genetic variation between two closely related pines with overlapping distributions. Heredity 118: 211-220.

16. Zhou YF, Zhang LR, Liu JQ, Wu GL, Savolainen O* (2014) Climatic adaptation and ecological divergence between two closely related pines species in Southeast China. Molecular Ecology 23: 3504–3522.

17. Zhou YF (2014) Demographic history and climatic adaptation in ecological divergence between two closely related parapatric pine species. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. A, Scientiae rerum naturalium, ISSN: 0355-3191.

18. Zhou YF, Abbott RJ, Jiang ZY, Du, FK, Milne RI, Liu JQ (2010) Gene flow and species delimitation: a case study of two pine species with overlapping distributions in southeast China. Evolution 64: 2342- 2352.
