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植物基因组中心 首席科学家


钱前,研究员,博士生导师。中国农业科学院深圳农业基因组所-植物基因组-超级稻种质创新团队首席科学家,2005年国家自然科学基金委杰出青年科学基金获得者,获浙江省和农业部中青年突出贡献专家等荣誉称号。长期从事水稻种质资源学研究,在水稻种质资源的发掘创新、遗传群体构建、重要农艺性状基因克隆与分子育种等领域开展了系统深入的研究和育种应用。带领团队取得一系列创新性成果,其中,3项国家级科技奖励,8项省部级科技奖励,发表论文140余篇,其中SCI收录110余篇,多篇论文发表在Nature、Nature Genetics、PNAS等国际顶级学术期刊上,获得发明专利10余项。目前课题组正利用遗传群体进行杂种优势和苗期耐冷QTL的精细定位及相关性状的遗传改良。









2008年1月-2008年 3月,访问教授,日本名古屋大学









2005 年度国家杰出青年科学基金;

2005 年度国家自然科学二等奖;

2009 年度浙江省科学技术一等奖;

2010 年度国家科学技术进步二等奖;

2011 年度浙江省科学技术重大贡献奖;

2011 年度中华农业科技优秀创新团队奖;



第一作者论文(§为同等贡献作者, ①为通讯作者)

1.Hu SK, Hu XM, Hu J, Shang LG, Dong GJ, Zeng DL, Guo LB, Qian Q① (2018). Xiaowei, A New Rice Germplasm for Large-Scale Indoor Research. Molecular Plant. 11(11): 1418-1420.

2.Su Y, Hu SK, Zhang B, Ye WJ, Niu YF, Guo LB①, Qian Q① (2017). Characterization and fine mapping of a new early leaf senescence mutant es3(t), in rice. Plant Growth Regulation, 81(3): 419-431.

3.Zeng DL, Tian ZX, Rao YC, Dong GJ, Yang YL, Huang LC, Leng YJ, Xu J, Sun C, Zhang GH, Hu J, Zhu L, Gao ZY, Hu XM, Guo LB, Xiong GS, Wang YH, Li JY, Qian Q① (2017). Rational design of high-yield and superior-quality rice. Nature Plants, 3(4): 17031.

4.Qian Q, Guo LB, Steven MS①, Li Jy① (2016). Breeding high-yield superior quality hybrid super rice by rational design. National Science Review, 3(3): 283-294.

5.Hu J, Wang XY, Fang YX, Zeng LJ, Xu J, Yu HP, Shi ZY, Pan JJ, Zhang D, Kang SJ, Zhu L, Dong GJ, Guo LB, Zeng DL, Zhang GH, Xie LH, Xiong GS, Li jy , Qian Q① (2015). A Rare Allele of GS2 Enhances Grain Size and Grain Yield in Rice. Molecular Plant 8(10): 1455-1465.

6.Wang YX, Xiong GS, Hu J, Jiang L , Yu H, Xu J, Fang YX, Zeng LJ, Xu EB, Xu EB, Ye WJ, Meng XB, Liu RF, Chen HQ, Jing YH, Wang YH, Zhu XD① , Li JY①, Qian Q① (2015) Copy number variation at the GL7 locus contributes to grain size diversity in rice. Nature Genetics, 47(8): 944.

7.Guo ZY , Zhao SC , He WM, Guo LB, Peng YL, Wang JJ, Guo XS, Zhang XM, Rao YC, Zhang C, Dong GJ, Zheng FY, Lu CX, Hu J, Zhou Q, Liu HJ , Wu HY, Xu J, Ni PX, Zeng DL, Liu DH, Tian P, Gong LH, Ye CH, Zhang GH, Wang J, Tian FK, Xue DW, Liao Y, Zhu L, Chen MS, Li JY, Cheng SH, Zhang GY, Wang J, Qian Q.(2013). Dissecting yield-associated loci in super hybrid rice by resequencing recombinant inbred lines and improving parental genome sequences.Plant Biology, 110(35): 14492-14497.

8.Xu C, Wei YH, Yu YC, Dong JB, Liu ZG, Xue GS, Meng XB, Li GF, Qian Q, Li JY. (2012). Degradation of MONOCULM 1 by APC/CTAD1regulates rice tillering. Nature Communications, 3(2): 750.

9.Xu C, Wang YH, Yu YC, Duan JB, Liao ZG, Xiong GS , Meng XB, Liu GF , Qian Q①, Li JY ① (2012).Degradation of MOC1 by APC/CTAD1 regulates rice tillering. Nature Communications, DOI:1038/ncomms1743.

10.Zhu L, Hu J, Zhu KM, Fang YX, Gao ZY, He YH, Zhang GH, Guo LB, Zeng DL, Dong GJ, Yan MX, Liu J, Qian Q① (2011). Identification and characterization of SHORTENED UPPERMOST INTERNODE 1, a gene negatively regulating uppermost internode elongation in rice. Plant Mol Biol, 77(4-5): 475–487.

11.Hu J, Zhu L, Zeng DL, Gao ZY, Guo LB, Fang YX, Zhang GH, Dong GJ, Yan MX, Liu J, Qian Q① (2010). Identification and characterization of NARROW AND ROLLED LEAF 1, a novel gene regulating leaf morphology and plant architecture in rice. Plant Mol Biol, 73(3): 283-92.

12.Jiao YQ, Wang YH, Xue DW, Wang J, Yan MX, Liu GF, Dong GJ, Zeng DL, Lu ZF, Zhu XD, Qian Q①, Li JY① (2010). Regulation of OsSPL14 by OsmiR156 defines ideal plant architecture in rice. Nature Genetics, 42(6): 541-544.

13.Zhao SQ, Hu J, Guo LB, Qian Q①, Xue HW① (2010). Rice leaf inclination2, a VIN3-like protein, regulates leaf angle through modulating cell division of the collar. Cell Research, 20: 935-947.





1.Hu XM, Qian Q, Xu T, Zhang YE, Dong GJ, Gao T, Xie Q, Xue YB①, Li JM (2013). The U-Box E3 Ubiquitin Ligase TUD1 Functions with a Heterotrimeric G α Subunit to Regulate Brassinosteroid-Mediated Growth in Rice. Plos Genetics, 9(3): e1003391.

2.Wang SK, Wu K, Yuan QB, Liu XY, Liu ZB, Lin XY, Zeng RZ, Zhu HT, Dong GJ, Qian Q, Zhang GQ①, Fu XD① (2012). Control of grain size, shape and quality by OsSPL16 in rice. Nature Genetics, 44(8): 950-954.

3.Huang XH, Wei XH, Sang T, Zhao Q, Feng Q, Zhao Y, Li CY, Zhu CR, Lu TT, Zhang ZW, Li M, Fan DL, Guo YL, Wang AH, Wang L, Deng LW, Li WJ, Lu YQ, Weng QJ, Liu KY, Huang T, Zhou TY, Jing YF, Li W, Lin Z, Buckler ES, Qian Q, Zhang QF, Li JY, Han B (2010). Genome-wide association studies of 14 agronomic traits in rice landraces. Nature Genetics, 42(11): 961-967.

4.Huang XZ, Qian Q§, Liu ZB, Sun HY, He SY, Luo D, Xia GM, Chu CC, Li JY, Fu XD (2009). Natural variation at the DEP1 locus enhances grain yield in rice. Nature Genetics, 41(4): 494-497.

5.Huang XZ, Qian Q, Liu ZB, Sun HY, He SY, Luo D, Xia GM, Chu CC, Li JY, Fu XD① (2009). Natural variation at the DEP1 locus enhances grain yield in rice. Nature Genetics, 41(4):494-497.

6.Yu YC§, Tang T§, Qian Q§, Wang YH, Yan MX, Zeng DL, Han B, Wu CI, Shi SH, Li JY (2008). Independent losses of function in a Polyphenol Oxidase in rice - differentiation in grain discoloration between subspecies and the role of positive selection. Plant Cell, 20(11): 2946-2959.

7.Ashikari M, Sakakibara H, Lin SY, Yamamoto T, Takashi T, Nishimura A, Angeles E, Qian Q, Kitano H, Matsuoka M (2005). Cytokinin oxidase regulates rice grain production. Science, 309(5735): 741-745.

8.Li XY§, Qian Q§, Fu ZM, Wang YH, Xiong GS, Zeng DL, Wang XQ, Liu XF, Teng S, Fujimoto H, Yuan M, Luo D, Han B, Li JY (2003). Control of tilling in rice. Nature, 422(6932): 618-621.

9.Li YH§, Qian Q§, Zhou YH§, Yan MX, Sun L, Zhang M, Fu ZM, Wang YH, Han B, Pang XM, Chen MS, Li JY (2003). BRITTLE CULM1, which encodes a COBRA-like protein, affects the mechanical properties of rice plants. Plant Cell, 15: 2020-2031.


1.钱前、朱丽、郭龙彪、胡江、张光恒、曾大力、高振宇、颜美仙、董国军、刘坚/水稻穗 颈调控基因SUI1及其用途/2015-05-31/中国

2.钱前、高振宇、滕胜、郭龙彪/水稻硝酸还原酶基因NR2及其编码的蛋白质与应用/2013-02- 13/中国

3.钱前、张光恒、曾大力、胡江、董国军、颜美仙、朱丽、高振宇、郭龙彪/一种水稻叶形 控制基因SRNL1及其应用/2012-10-03/中国

4.钱前、胡江、曾大力、郭龙彪、张光恒、朱丽、颜美仙、董国军、高振宇/水稻叶形控制 基因NRL1及其用途/2012-06-06/中国

5.钱前、薛红卫、胡江、赵淑青、曾大力、郭龙彪、张光恒、董国军、徐继平/水稻叶形态 建成调控基因RLAL1的应用/2010-01-20/中国

6.钱前、薛勇彪、薛大伟、李浩戈、李美娜、张光恒、曾大力、郭龙彪/水稻花分生组织控 制基因EG1的应用/2010-06-16/中国

7.曾大力;钱前;李家洋;田志喜;杨窑龙;张光恒;郭龙彪;高振宇;朱丽;胡江;董国军;胡兴民;颜美 仙/稻米直链淀粉含量微控基因GBSSII分子标记及应用/2010-06-16/中国

8.张光恒;钱前;王莉;曾大力;饶玉春;胡江;朱丽;徐杰;郭龙彪;高振宇;董国军;任德勇;颜美仙;胡 兴明/水稻剑叶宽度调控基因NAL1分子标记及其应用/2010-06-16/中国

9.郭龙彪;钱前;胡时开;吴立文;刘坚;高振宇;胡江;董国军;曾大力/水稻植株形态建成调控基因 PTH1及其应用/2015-11-16/中国

10.曾大力 ; 钱前 ; 李家洋 ; 田志喜 ; 杨窑龙 ; 张光恒 ; 郭龙彪 ; 高振宇 ; 朱丽 ; 胡江 ; 董国军 ; 胡兴民 ; 颜美仙/稻米直链淀粉含量微控基因SSIVb的分子标记及应用/2015-05-01/中国


1.植物新品种权. 中科804. 国审稻20170080. 2017年

2.植物新品种权. 嘉禾优7245. 国审稻20170064. 2017年