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张春芝,研究员。2014年博士毕业于中国农业科学院,2014-2019年期间在中国农业科学院从事博士后研究,出站后留所工作。主要从事马铃薯分子设计育种工作,开展了“优薯计划”(又称“二倍体马铃薯实生籽育种”),旨在将马铃薯由四倍体薯块繁殖的作物改造成二倍体种子繁殖的作物,变革马铃薯的育种和繁殖方式。到目前为止,共发表SCI论文15篇,累计影响因子超过200,被引1000多次。其中以通讯或第一作者身份在Cell、Nature Genetics、Nature Plants、Nature Communications等杂志发表SCI论文10篇。2020年获得国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金资助。





  2019.06-至今            中国农业科学院农业基因组研究所         研究员

  2019.01-2019.06      中国农业科学院农业基因组研究所         助理研究员

  2014.06-2019.01      中国农业科学院                                    博士后



  2011.09–2014.07        中国农业科学院            蔬菜学                 农学博士

  2012.10–2014.03        瓦赫宁根大学               植物育种系           联合培养博士

  2008.09–2011.07        中国农业科学院            蔬菜学                 农学硕士

  2003.09–2007.07        沈阳农业大学               生态学                  理学学士







  围绕“优薯计划”开展了一系列理论创新和育种实践,建立了国内最大的二倍体马铃薯种质资源库,通过基因组编辑的方法克服了二倍体马铃薯自交不亲和的难题(Ye et al., Nature Plants, 2018),并解析了马铃薯自交衰退的遗传基础(Zhang et al., Nature Genetics, 2019)。在此基础之上,已经培育出了第一代二倍体马铃薯自交系和第一个概念性杂交种,为“优薯计划”的顺利开展奠定了基础。



  Chunzhi Zhang, Principle Investigator, research professor. She obtained the PhD degree from the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2014. From 2014 to 2019, she did a postdoc in Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen (AGIS), working on self-incompatibility and inbreeding depression in diploid potato. Now she is dedicated to reinvent potato from a tuber-propagated tetraploid crop into an inbred line-based diploid crop propagated by seeds. She has published 13 papers, which have been cited more than 700 times. As a first/corresponding author, she has published eight papers in Nature Genetics, Nature Plants, Theoretical and Applied Genetics (3), ect. In 2020, she obtained the national Excellent Youth Fund.


  Working Experience

  2019.6–Present       Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen-CAAS         Research Professor            

  2019.1–2019.6       Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen-CAAS          Assistant Professor                                                     

  2014.6–2019.1       Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)        Postdoctor  



  2011.9–2014.7         Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences               Ph.D                    

  2012.10–2014.3       Wageningen University                                              Joint Ph.D                  

  2008.9–2011.7         Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences               Master                

   2003.9–2007.7        Shenyang Agricultural University                              Bachelor            


  Research Interest

  Potato is the most important tuber crop. In contrast to other cereal crops, potato is a clonally propagated autotetraploid crop. Due to the complexity of tetrasomic inheritance, the improvement of potato is quite slow. To accelerate the efficiency of potato breeding and decrease the cost of production, we carried out the Upotato Plan (Diploid Potato Hybrid Breeding), aiming reinvent potato from a tuber-propagated tetraploid crop into an inbred line-based diploid crop propagated by seeds. To implement this project, we focus on: (1) Collection, conservation, evaluation and innovation of diploid potato germplasm; (2) Exploitation of genes controlling the important agronomic traits of potato; (3) Deciphering the genetic basis of heterosis in potato; (4) Genome-design of diploid potato hybrids.


  Major Achievements

  To achieve the Upotato Plan, we carried out a series of theoretical innovation and breeding practices. Up to now, we have established the diploid potato genebank, overcome the self-incompatibility of diploid potato by genome editing (Ye et al., Nature Plants, 2018), and deciphered the genetic basis of inbreeding depression in potato (Zhang et al., Nature Genetics, 2019). Based on this, we have developed the first diploid potato inbred lines and the first concept potato hybrid, which provides solid foundation for Upotato Plan.


  Selected Publication

  1. Chunzhi Zhang, Zhongmin Yang, Die Tang, Yanhui Zhu, Pei Wang, Dawei Li, Guangtao Zhu, Xingyao Xiong, Yi Shang, Canhui Li, Sanwen Huang*. (2021) Genome design of hybrid potato. Cell, 184: 1-11.

  2.Ling Ma#, Chunzhi Zhang#, Bo Zhang#, Fei Tang, Futing Li, Qinggang Liao, Die Tang, Zhen Peng, Yuxin Jia, Meng Gao, Han Guo, Jinzhe Zhang, Xuming Luo, Huiqin Yang, Dongli Gao, William J. Lucas, Canhui Li*, Sanwen Huang*, Yi Shang*. (2021) A nonS-locusF-box gene breaks self-incompatibility in diploid potatoes. Nature Communications, 12:4142.

     3. Zhongmin Yang, Shuangshuang Feng, Die Tang, Lidong Zhang, Yumei Li, Philip Kear, Sanwen Huang*, Chunzhi Zhang*. (2020) The mutation of a PECTATE LYASE-LIKE gene is responsible for the yellow margin phenotype in potato. Theoretical and Applied Genetics , 133: 1123-1131.

  4. Zhen Peng, Pei Wang, Die Tang, Yi Shang, Canhui Li, Sanwen Huang, Chunzhi Zhang*. (2019) Inheritance of steroidal glycoalkaloids in potato tuber flesh. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 18: 2255-2263. 

  5. Chunzhi Zhang#, Pei Wang#, Die Tang#, Zhongmin Yang, Fei Lu, Jianjian Qi, Nilesh R. Tawari, Yi Shang, Canhui Li, Sanwen Huang*. (2019) The genetic basis of inbreeding depression in potato. Nature Genetics 51: 374-378.

  6. Qun Lian#, Die Tang#, Zhiyan Bai#, Jianjian Qi, Fei Lu, Sanwen Huang, Chunzhi Zhang*. (2018) The acquisition of deleterious mutations during the polyploidization of potato. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 61: 7-11.

  7. Mingwang Ye#, Zhen Peng#, Die Tang, Zhongmin Yang, Dawei Li, Yunmei Xu, Chunzhi Zhang*, Sanwen Huang*. (2018) Generation of self-compatible diploid potato by knockout of S-RNase . Nature Plants 4: 651-654.

  8. Dongli Gao#, Chunzhi Zhang#, Shu Zhang#, Bowen Hu, Shenhao Wang, Zhonghua Zhang, Sanwen Huang*. (2017) Mutation in a novel gene SMALL AND CORDATE LEAF 1 affects leaf morphology in cucumber. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 59: 736-741.

  9. Chunzhi Zhang#, Lei Liu#, Xiaoxuan Wang, Jack Vossen, Guangcun Li, Tao Li, Zheng Zheng, Jianchang Gao, Yanmei Guo, Richard G.F. Visser, Junming Li*, Yuling Bai*, Yongchen Du*. (2014) The Ph-3 gene from Solanum pimpinellifolium encodes CC-NBS-LRR protein conferring resistance to Phytophthora infestans . Theoretical and Applied Genetics 127:1353-1364.

  10. Chunzhi Zhang#, Lei Liu#, Zheng Zheng, Yuyan Sun, Longxi Zhou, Yuhong Yang, Feng Cheng, Zhonghua Zhang, Xiaowu Wang, Sanwen Huang, Bingyan Xie, Yongchen Du, Yuling Bai, Junming Li*. (2013) Fine mapping of the Ph-3 gene conferring resistance to late blight ( Phytophthora infestans ) in tomato. Theoretical and Applied Genetics , 126:2643-2653.

