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  贾耿介,研究员、博士生导师 。2008年于中国科学技术大学本科毕业,2013年在新加坡国立大学和麻省理工学院联合培养项目取得博士学位。研究领域包括生物医学信息学、健康大数据(如电子病历)挖掘、自然语言处理、多组学数据分析、生物分子网络建模、个体化营养。过去十年内共发表SCI论文12篇,其中以第一作者在Nature CommunicationsMetabolitesBMC Systems BiologyBioinformatics 等发表学术论文7篇。



  2021/1至今                  中国农业科学院深圳农业基因组研究所, 研究员

  2016/6 – 2020/12       芝加哥大学, 博士后

  2013/1 – 2016/5         CGG公司数据处理分部, 地球物理学家



  2008/7 – 2013/1       新加坡-麻省理工学院联盟化学与制药工程博士

  2011/4 – 2011/10     瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院,访问学习;

  2004/9 – 2008/6       中国科学技术大学,生物学学士。



  1. 发掘复杂疾病亚型通过并发症模式识别和多组学分析),解析其遗传学基础

       2. 阐释人体消化等系统其间微生物群落和食品营养三方的相互作用关系


     Principal Investigator

       Gengjie (Jay) Jia is a principal investigator and doctoral advisor. Dr. Jia obtained his bachelor degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2008 and his Ph.D. degree from Singapore-MIT Alliance (joint program between National University of Singapore and Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in 2013. His research covers Biomedical Informatics, Big Health Data (e.g., Electronic Medical Records) Mining, Natural Language Processing, Multi-omics Data Analysis, Biomolecular Network Modeling, and Personalized Nutrition. In the past ten years, he has published a total of 12 research articles, including 7 first-author publications in Nature Communications, Metabolites, BMC Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, etc.


      Work Experience

      2021/1 to date,   Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen – Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,   Principle Investigator;

      2016/6 – 2020/12,   The University of Chicago,   Postdoctoral Fellow;

      2013/1 – 2016/5,   Department of Data Processing at CGG,   Geophysicist.



      2008/7 – 2013/1,   Singapore-MIT Alliance,   PhD in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering;

      2011/4 – 2011/10,   ETH Zurich,   Visit;

      2004/9 – 2008/6,   University of Science and Technology of China,   Bachelor in Biological Science.


      Through algorithm development for analyzing multi-dimensional big health data

      1.Discern subtypes of complex diseases (using pattern recognition of comorbidities and multi-omics data analysis), and parse their underlying genetic bases;

      2.Illuminate the tripartite relationship among human digestive systems, microbiota therein, and food nutrition.


       Selected Publications

      1.G. Jia, Y. Li, H. Zhang, I. Chattopadhyay, A. B. Jensen, D. R. Blair, L. Davis, P. N. Robinson, T. Dahlén, S. Brunak, M. Benson, G. Edgren, N. J. Cox, X. Gao, A. Rzhetsky*, Estimating Heritability and Genetic Correlations from Large Health Datasets in the Absence of Genetic Data, Nature Communications, 10, 5508 (2019).   (*corresponding authors)

      2.G. Jia, G. Stephanopoulos, R. Gunawan*, Ensemble Kinetic Modeling of Metabolic Networks from Dynamic Metabolic Profiles, Metabolites, 2 (4), 891–912 (2012).

      3.G. Jia, G. Stephanopoulos, R. Gunawan*, Incremental Parameter Estimation of Kinetic Metabolic Network Models, BMC Systems Biology, 6, 142 (2012).

      4.G. Jia, G. Stephanopoulos, R. Gunawan*, Parameter Estimation of Kinetic Models from Metabolic Profiles: Two-phase Dynamic Decoupling Method, Bioinformatics, 27 (14), 1964–1970 (2011).

      5.B. Chicoine, A. Rivelli, V. Fitzpatrick*, L. Chicoine, G. Jia, A. Rzhetsky, Prevalence of Common Disease Conditions in a Large Cohort of Individuals with Down Syndrome in the United States, Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews, 8(2), 86-97 (2021).

      6.X. Zhong*, Z. Yin, G. Jia, D. Zhou, Q. Wei, A. Faucon, P. Evans, E. R. Gamazon, B. Li, R. Tao, A. Rzhetsky, L. Bastarache, N. J. Cox*, Electronic Health Record Phenotypes Associated with Genetically Regulated Expression of CFTR and Application to Cystic Fibrosis, Genetics in Medicine, 22, 1191–1200 (2020).

      7.C. Zhang, H. Tu, G. Jia, T. Mukhtar, V. Taylor, A. Rzhetsky, S. Tay*, Ultra-multiplexed Analysis of Single-cell Dynamics Reveals Logic Rules in Differentiation, Science Advances, 5 (2019).

      8.G. Jia, R. Gunawan*, Construction of Kinetic Model Library of Metabolic Networks, IFAC Proceedings, 45 (15), 952-957 (2012).

      9.G. Jia, G. Stephanopoulos*, Incremental Parameter Estimation and Ensemble Kinetic Modeling of Metabolic Networks, Proceedings of AIChE Annual Meeting (2012).

     10.G. Jia, G. Stephanopoulos, R. Gunawan*, Construction of Kinetic Model Library of Metabolic Networks from Dynamic Profiles, 8th International Workshop on Computational Systems Biology (2011).
