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  徐炜,研究员,博士生导师。2016年获得中国科学院大学博士学位,2016-2020年在清华大学进行博士后研究。长期从事R-loop测序技术及DNA损伤定位技术的开发与应用。研究成果以第一作者或共同第一作者身份发表于Nature PlantsCell ResearchPlant CellScience Advances等知名学术期刊。  


  2020.3至今              中国农科院深圳农业基因组研究所    研究员

  2016.8-2020.2         清华大学                                         博士后  


  2010.9-2016.7        中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院        博士

  2004.9-2008.6        南京农业大学                                   学士 


  1.    基于单链核酸连接技术,开发多种测序方法:微量DNA损伤检测技术;微量DNA或RNA的快速测序技术;DNA与RNA相互作用关系检测技术。基于上述技术研究以下课题:基因组损伤发生及修复的动态过程;新型病原体的快速测序与鉴定;染色质相关RNA的动力学与功能研究。

  2.    R-loop是一种特殊的三链核酸结构,广泛存在于几乎所有的生物体中,并发挥重要的生物学功能。课题组将基于已开发的微量R-loop测序技术,进一步开发单细胞R-loop测序技术,绘制单细胞R-loop图谱,系统研究R-loop如何调控基因表达及组织发育等重要的生物学过程。



  Xu Wei, Principle Investigator, Doctoral Advisor, received his PhD degree from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016. Worked as a postdoctoral fellow in Tsinghua University from 2016 to 2020. He has been engaged in developments and applications of sequencing techniques to map R-loops or DNA breaks. Papers have been published on Nature Plants, Cell Research, Plant Cell, and Science Advances.


  Working Experience

  2020.3-present, Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen-CAAS, Research Professor

  2016.8-2020.2, Tsinghua University, Postdoctoral Fellow


  Education Experience

  2010.9-2016.7, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD

  2004.9-2008.6, Nanjing Agricultural University, Bachelor


  Research Interest

  1, Developing sequencing techniques based on single-stranded DNA ligation system, for a) detecting trace DNA breaks; b) rapid sequencing of trace DNA or RNA; c) detecting interactions between DNA and RNA. Using these techniques, we will study a) dynamics of DNA break and repair; b) rapid sequencing and identification of novel pathogens; c) dynamics and functions of chromatin-associated RNA.

  2, R-loop is a nucleic acid structure composed of a DNA-RNA hybrid and an unpaired single-stranded DNA. R-loops have been found in a variety of organisms, playing multiply and important roles. Based on developed ultra-low-input ssDRIP-seq, we will develop single-cell R-loop mapping technique, to profile R-loops in single-cell level, and study the mechanisms of R-loops in regulating gene expressions and other important biological processes.


  Selected Publication(*co-first authors)

  1. Xu W*, Li K*, Li S*, Hou Q*, et al. The R-loop Atlas of Arabidopsis Development and Responses to Environmental Stimuli [J]. The Plant Cell, 2020, 32(4): 888-903.

  2. Li Y*, Song Y*, Xu W*, Li Q*, et al. R-loops Coordinate with SOX2 in Regulating Reprogramming to Pluripotency [J]. Science Advances, 2020. (in press)

  3. Yang X*, Liu Q*, Xu W*, Zhang Y*, et al. m6A promotes R-loop formation to facilitate transcription termination [J]. Cell Research, 2019, 29(12):1035-1038.

  4. Xu W, Xu H, Li K, et al. The R-loop is a common chromatin feature of the Arabidopsis genome [J]. Nature Plants, 2017, 3(9):704.

  5. Wang T*, Xu W*, Li H, et al. Effect of Modeled Microgravity on UV-C-induced Interplant Communication of Arabidopsis thaliana [J]. Mutation Research/fundamental & Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 2017, 806:1.

  6. Wang T*, Xu W*, Deng C, et al. A pivotal role of the jasmonic acid signal pathway in mediating radiation-induced bystander effects in Arabidopsis thaliana [J]. Mutation Research/fundamental & Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 2016, 791-792:1-9.

  7. Xu W*, Wang T*, Xu S, et al. UV-C-Induced alleviation of transcriptional gene silencing through plant-plant communication: Key roles of jasmonic acid and salicylic acid pathways [J]. Mutation Research/fundamental & Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 2016, 790:56-67.

  8. Xu W*, Wang T*, Xu S, et al. Radiation-Induced Epigenetic Bystander Effects Demonstrated in Arabidopsis thaliana [J]. Radiation Research, 2015, 183(5):511-524.


