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  2021.11 - 至今       中国农科院深圳农业基因组研究所                               研究员

  2019.7 - 2021.10   优食健康科技(北京)有限公司                                  创始人、首席科学家   

  2013.10 - 2019.4   中玉金标记(北京)生物技术股份有限公司                  CEO兼首席科学家

  2010.04 - 2011.09  先正达中国生物科技有限公司                                     全球水稻生物技术项目总监

  2007.10-2010.03    先正达种业                                                                中国区玉米研发总监

  2004.01 - 2007.09  美国杜邦先锋公司                                                      科学家、全球分子标记实验室经理

  2002.10 - 2003.12  美国康奈尔大学                                                          博士后

  1994.07 - 1997.07  中国种子集团                                                             玉米育种负责人


  2001.08 - 2002.08      美国普渡大学商学院     MBA

  1997.08 - 2001.07      美国普渡大学农学院     博士

  1991.09 - 1993.12      华中农业大学农学系     硕士

  1987.09 - 1991.07      华中农业大学农学系     学士


  本人长期致力于分子育种、基因组设计育种、玉米种质资源创新方面的研究和产业化应用,尤其是在QTL mapping、MAS、GWAS、Trait Integration、DH、实验室自动化、高通量种子微创取样等方面的研究。 开发各种基因组设计育种的工具,包括但不限于功能基因挖掘、基因芯片设计、表型预测模型构建、DH高效流程、AI辅助育种等各种技术手段和工具。同时,本人一直努力打造一个国家级的以产业为导向的分子育种平台,把有价值的基因组设计育种工具通过分子育种平台和育种联盟推广应用到全国的种业公司,推动分子育种和基因组设计育种在我国的推广应用,提高我国种业的育种效率和水平,真正做到“把论文写到大地上”。



  Professor Hong Lu has long been working on molecular breeding, genome design, germplasm creation and characterization, etc. Dr. Lu has extensive research and leadership experience in domestic and international seed industry, where he worked as corn breeder, research scientist, research director, chief scientist, COO, and CEO. He founded China Golden Marker Biotech, and Smart Foods Health Co., Ltd. His research passion is to develop genome breeding tools and establish an industrialized breeding platform, on which genome breeding tools can be deployed to help transform and improve Chinese seed industry for higher breeding efficiency and capability. He has multiple SCI publications and over 10 granted invention patents. He was awarded 8 research grants with a total of over 10 million USD research funds.


  Working Experience

  2021.11 - present            AGIS-CAAS                                  Research Professor

  2019.07 - 2021.10          Smart Foods Health Co., Ltd.        Founder and Chief Scientist

  2013.10 - 2019.04           China Golden Marker Biotech      Founder and CEO

  2011.10 - 2013.09           KWS Seed                                      China COO

  2010.04 - 2011.09           Syngenta Biotech China                 Global Rice Biotech Head

  2007.10 - 2010.03           Syngenta Seeds                               China Corn PD Head

  2004.01 - 2007.09           DuPont-Pioneer                               Research Scientist and Manager

  2002.10 - 2003.12           Cornell University                           Post doc Research Fellow

  1994.07 - 1997.07           China Seed Group                            Corn Breeder


  2001.08 - 2002.08          Purdue University                              MBA

  1997.08 - 2001.07          Purdue University                              PhD

  1991.09 - 1993.12          Huazhong Agriculture University      MS

  1987.09 - 1991.07          Huzhong Agriculture University        BS

  Research Interest

  Professor Hong Lu has been studying molecular breeding, genome design, germplasm creation and characterization, etc for many years. He had abundant research experience in QTL mapping, MAS, GWAS, Trait Integration, DH, lab auto and high throughput seed chipping. Dr. Lu’s lab has been developing various genome breeding methods and tools, including but not limited to function gene mining, gene chip design, molecular prediction modeling, AI assisted breeding, etc. Meanwhile, he devoted great efforts in establishing a molecular breeding platform to improve Chinese seed industry breeding efficiency and capability.

  Selected Publication

1. Zhai Chengguang, Liu Longfei, Yao Yuan, Jing Haichun, LU Hong*. Advances in Seed Chipping Technology and Its Applications in Crop Breeding. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2018, 33:947-953

2. Jing Runchun, LU Hong. The Development of CRISPR/Cas9 System and Its Application in Crop Genome Editing. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2016,49(7):1219-1229

3. J. Stephen, C. Smith, E. Hoeft, G. Cole, H. LU, E. Jones, S. Wall and D. Berry. Genetic Diversity among U.S. Sunflower Inbreds and Hybrids: Assessing Probability of Ancestry and Potential for Use in Plant Variety Protection. Crop Sci. (USA) 2009, 49:1295-1303

4. Hong LU, M. Redus, J. Coburn, S. R. McCouch, T. Tai. Population structure and breeding patterns of 145 US rice cultivars based on SSR analysis. Crop Sci. (USA) 2005, 45: 66-76

5. Hong LU, J. Romero Severson, R. Bernardo. Genetic basis of heterosis explored by simple sequence repeat markers in a random-mated maize population. Theor. Appl. Genet. (Germany) , 2002, 107: 494-502

6. Hong LU*, J.S. Li, J.L. Liu, R. Bernardo. Allozyme polymorphisms of maize populations from southwest China. Theor. Appl. Genet. (Germany) 2002, 104:119-126

7. Hong LU, J. Romero Severson, R. Bernardo. Chromosomal regions associated with segregation distortion in maize. Theor. Appl. Genet. (Germany)  2002, 105: 622-628

8. Hong LU, R. Bernardo. Molecular marker diversity among current and historical maize inbreds. Theor. Appl. Genet. (Germany)  2001, 103: 613-617

  *Co-first author, #Corresponding author


