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Yang Qing Lab


  杨青,中国农业科学院植物保护研究所/深圳农业基因组所研究员,国家杰出青年基金获得者,长期从事农药分子靶标学研究。针对人畜不含几丁质这一特点,开发出了一系列人畜安全、成药性高的新农药分子靶标,为解决农药的毒性、抗性和高效性问题做出了原创性贡献。以最后通讯或者唯一通讯作者在Nature、Cell、Nature Microbiology、Nature Communications等期刊发表论文100余篇,相关成果入选2022年中国农科院十大科学进展,2023年中国农业科学十大进展。




  2019.12-至今         中国农业科学院(深圳)农业基因组研究所      研究员         

  2019.5-2019.12     中国农业科学院植物保护研究所                       研究员                                 

  2006.5-2007.12     加州大学伯克利分校                                        访问学者

  2005.7-2006.4       哈佛大学                                                         博士后        

  2007.1-2019.5       大连理工大学                                                  教授

  2003.6-2007.1       大连理工大学                                                  副教授

  1995.7-2003.7       大连理工大学                                                  讲师 



  大连理工大学                   博士         1998.3-2002.3

  大连理工大学                   硕士         1992.9-1995.7

  华东理工大学                   学士         1988.9-1992.7








  在单分子水平上,我们发现内切性几丁质酶OfChtI和OfChtII有助于提升外切酶OfChi-h在结晶几丁质水解中的进程性能力,显著增加每个几丁质酶新结合到几丁质表面积单位上的OfChi-h的数量,增加OfChi-h分子在几丁质表面上进程性运行的持续时间。我们发现当有内切性几丁质酶存在时,OfChi-h分子聚集在几丁质纤丝的末端并形成簇,迅速消融几丁质纤维丝。OfChi-h对底物的结合与络合影响了其进程性水解。根据OfChi-h分子在几丁质原纤维上的排列行为,我们推断出进行性启动的时间为0.22±0.07 s。这项工作提高了我们在结晶几丁质水解的固液界面催化过程中对内切几丁质酶协同作用的认识,突出了内切几丁质酶在促进进行性水解中的作用。该项工作发表于ACS Catalysis.



  Qing Yang, a principal investigator at the Institute of Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. She has made pioneer contributions to the development of novel pesticide molecular targets that are highly effective and safe for both humans and animals. Her major research interests include: 1) discovering new pesticide targets, specifically key proteins involved in chitin-associated bioprocesses such as chitin biosynthesis, degradation, and assembly in insect pests and phytopathogens of agricultural significance, and 2) developing small molecules to target these proteins. The ultimate goal of her work is to control insect pests, nematodes, and phytopathogens of agricultural importance in a human-safe, eco-friendly, and efficient manner.


  Working Experience

  2019.12–Present       Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen-CAAS                                              Professor                                                                             

  2019.5–2019.12        The Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences       Professor      

  2006.5–2007.12        University of California, Berkeley                                                                           Visiting scholar                                                         

  2005.7-2006.4           Harvard University                                                                                                   Postdoctoral research fellow     

  2007.1-2019.5           Dalian University of Technology                                                                             Professor     

  2003.6-2007.1           Dalian University of Technology                                                                             Associate Professor        

  1995.7-2003.7          Dalian University of Technology                                                                          Lecturer    



  1998.3-2002.3      Dalian University of Technology                                 Ph.D            

  1992.9-1995.7      Dalian University of Technology                                  Master         

  1988.9-1992.7      East China University of Science and Technology       Bachelor      


  Research Interest

  Our research fields include: I. Molecular mechanism of insect epidermis and exoskeleton formation; II. Structural biology study and inhibitor design of key proteins of agricultural pests development; III. Molecular regulation of agricultural pests and plant diseases.

  The research projects undertaken by our group in 2020 include: 1 NSFC key project, 2 NSFC Youth Foundations, and 2 Postdoctoral Science Foundations. We published 10 papers in 2020, including 2 papers with impact factors greater than 10. Two postdocs finished their research work.


  Major Achievements

  We employed HS-AFM to investigate the factors that affect processivity using an insect GH18 chitinase cocktail during the interfacial enzymatic hydrolysis of crystalline chitin.

  At the single molecule level, we have revealed endochitinases (OfChtI and OfChtII) as a significant factor to elevate the processivity of OfChi-h in crystalline chitin hydrolysis, to dramatically increase the number of OfChi-h newly bound onto a chitin surface area unit per chitinase concentration, and to increase the duration time of processive running OfChi-h molecules on the chitin surface. In the presence of endochitinases, OfChi-h molecules were observed to crowd at the ends of chitin fibrils and form clusters that quickly ablate chitin fibrils. The processive initiation including initial OfChi-h-substrate binding and complexation is a factor that affects processive hydrolysis. The time for processive initiation was deduced to be 0.22 ± 0.07 s according to an aligning behavior of OfChi-h molecules on chitin fibrils. This work improves our knowledge of exo−endo chitinase synergism during the solid−liquid interfacial catalysis of crystalline chitin hydrolysis, highlighting the role of endochitinases in boosting processive hydrolysis. This work was published in ACS Catalysis.


Selected Publication

Edited Monographs

1. Yang Q*, Fukamizo T*. Targeting Chitin-containing Organisms. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Springer Nature. 2019


Research Papers

1. Wei Chen, Peng Cao, Yuansheng Liu, Ailing Yu, Dong Wang, Lei Chen, Rajamanikandan Sundarraj, Zhiguang Yuchi, Yong Gong*, Hans Merzendorfer, Qing Yang*. 2022. Structural basis for directional chitin biosynthesis. Nature, 610(7931): 402 - 408.

2. Jinli Chen, Yanwei Duan, Yuanyuan Zhou, Qing Yang*. 2024. Squeeze pumping of lipids and insecticides by ABCH transporter. Cell.. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.11.033. (Epub ahead of print, PMID: 39721587)

3. Nan Wu, Qiaoxia Lin, Fei Shao, Lei Chen, Haoyue Zhang, Kaiwen Chen, Jinrong Wu, Guirong Wang, Huanan Wang*, Qing Yang*. 2024. Insect cuticle - inspired design of sustainably sourced composite bioplastics with enhanced strength, toughness and stretch - strengthening behavior. Carbohydrate Polymers, 333: 121970.

4. Lei Chen, Fei Shao, Kaiwen Chen, Nan Wu, Bingbing Sun, Dan Ge, Guirong Wang, Huanan Wang*, Qing Yang*. 2024. Organized assembly of chitosan into mechanically strong bio - composite by introducing a recombinant insect structural protein OfCPH-1. Carbohydrate Polymers, 334: 122044.

5. Mingbo Qu, Takahiro Watanabe - Nakayama, Shaopeng Sun, Kenichi Umeda, Xiaoxi Guo, Yuansheng Liu, Toshio Ando*, Qing Yang*. 2020. High - speed atomic force microscopy reveals factors affecting the processivity of chitinases during interfacial enzymatic hydrolysis of crystalline chitin. ACS Catalysis, 10(22): 13606 - 13615.

6. Wei Chen, Xi Jiang, Qing Yang*. 2020. Glycoside hydrolase family 18 chitinases: The known and the unknown. Biotechnology Advances, 43: 107553.

7. Wei Chen, Di Wang, Shaoyong Ke, Yangrong Cao, Wensheng Xiang, Xiaoli Guo*, Qing Yang*. 2024. A soybean cyst nematode suppresses microbial plant symbionts using a lipochitooligosaccharide - hydrolysing enzyme. Nature Microbiology, 9(8): 1993 - 2005.

8. Lin Liu, Yeqiang Xia, Yingchen Li, Yong Zhou, Xiaofeng Su, Xiaojing Yan, Yan Wang, Wende Liu, Hongmei Cheng*, Yuanchao Wang*, Qing Yang*. 2023. Inhibition of chitin deacetylases to attenuate plant fungal diseases. Nature Communications, 14(1): 3857. 

9. Mingbo Qu, Lin Kong, Pengfei Li, Aijing Zhang, Toshio Ando, Qing Yang*. 2025. High-speed atomic force microscopy reveals opposite traffic of processive chitinases impairs α-chitin biodegradation. Carbohydrate Polymers, 352, 123176.

10. Tian Liu, Yanwei Duan, Qing Yang*. 2018. Revisiting glycoside hydrolase family 20 β-N-acetyl-d-hexosaminidases: Crystal structures, physiological substrates and specific inhibitors. Biotechnology Advances, 36(4): 1127-1138.

  Selected Patents

  1. 杨青;赵小明,飞蝗粘蛋白Mucin17、其编码基因与应用,2019.2.25,中国,201910136232.2

  2. 杨青;刘田;韩鸿宇;王迪,AnChi基因、AnChi几丁质酶及其在降解几丁质方面的应用,2018.01.18,中国,201810048548.1

  3. 杨青;姜熙;刘田;杨君;屈明博,一种几丁质酶抑制剂及其应用,2018.05.9, 201810439288.0

  4. 杨青;屈明博;刘田;杨君;陈磊;刘元盛,一种利用昆虫几丁质酶降解固体几丁质生产N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖的方法,2018.1.17,中国,201810044270.0

  5. 杨青;刘田;王迪;韩鸿宇;李安节,一种细菌来源几丁质酶及其在制备GlcNAc中的应用,2018.01.24,中国,201810069069.8 

  6.杨青; 刘田; 褚方萌; 韩鸿宇,组合酶法降解脱脂南极磷虾粉回收多肽中间产物及制备N-乙酰葡萄糖胺的方法,2018.4.24, CN201810373432.5

  7. 杨青;刘田;姜熙;杨君;屈明博, 春雷霉素及其衍生物为几丁质酶抑制剂的应用, 2017.04.24,中国,201710271627.4

  8. 杨青;邓晓瑞;屈明博;杨君;刘田,昆虫I型几丁质结合蛋白AA10基因及其在害虫防治中的应用,2017.11.30,中国,201711237537.X

  9. 杨青;刘田;段燕伟;唐静仪;屈明博;杨君,小檗碱及其衍生物作为己糖胺酶抑制剂的应用,2017.03.31,中国,201710216474.3 

  10. 杨青;刘田;王迪;陈磊;卜云飞,高效几丁质酶突变体的制备方法及应用,2016.10.19,中国,201610910629.9

  11. 杨青;屈明博;邓晓瑞;陈威,一种昆虫来源的多结构域内切几丁质酶;其相关的生物材料及其应用,2016.09.06,中国,201610803226.4

  12. 杨青;刘田;陈磊;段燕伟;路新华,一种抑制剂及其在抑制几丁质酶和己糖胺酶活性中的应用,2016.12.16,中国,2016111705166

  13. 杨君;白敬;刘培瑜;刘田;姜秀萍;杨青,一种高活性细菌硝基还原酶基因及其应用,2014.07.15,中国,201410337143.1

  14. 杨君;夏悦昕;白敬;屈明博;刘田;姜秀萍;杨青,一种鳞翅目昆虫二氢叶酸还原酶的基因、其干扰基因及其应用,2014.04.25,中国,01410172992.6

  15. 杨君; 白敬; 刘培瑜; 姜熙; 杨青,一种区位选择性细菌硝基还原酶基因及其应用,2014.10.15,中国,CN201410336949.9

  16. 杨君; 白敬; 刘培瑜; 姜熙; 杨青,一种区位选择性细菌硝基还原酶基因、其重组酶及其应用,2014.10.15, 中国, CN201410337184.0

  17. 杨青;杜昱光;刘田;赵勇;陈磊,一种作为几丁质酶抑制剂的3-7聚葡萄糖胺单体,2014.01.10,中国,201410013553.0

  18. 杨青; 杜昱光; 刘田; 赵勇; 赵小明; 杨君; 姜秀萍,壳寡糖作为昆虫几丁质酶抑制剂及杀虫剂的应用,2013.1.10, 中国, 201310010126.2

  19. 杨青; 钱旭红; 刘田; 郭朋,一种萘酰亚胺衍生物作为酶抑制剂、杀虫剂,2014.4.16,中国,201310539176.X

  20. 郭朋;刘田;陈琦;徐林;杨青;钱旭红,萘酰亚胺衍生物及其用途,2012.11.01, 中国,201210430633.7

  21. 杨青; 姜秀萍; 贾秋磊; 杨君; 刘田,绿盲蝽多聚半乳糖醛酸酶的基因及其应用,2012.7.18, 中国,201110407055

  22. 杨青;周罡;杨君;姜秀萍;刘田,亚洲玉米螟β-N-氨基乙酰葡萄糖基水解酶OfOGA基因及其应用,2011.12.23,中国,201110440659.5

  23. 杨青; 谢波; 杨君; 陶黎明; 钱旭红,一种高效还原芳香酮的链霉菌及其在生物催化中的应用,2009.6.24, 中国,200810013512.6

  24. 杨青; 屈明博; 刘田; 杨君,利用几丁质生产能源物质的方法,2007, 中国,2007101130799

